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Writer: anamacieiraanamacieira

The Gemini sign is associated with travel, transport and all kinds of communication. Its ruler is Mercury, who in Roman Mythology is the god of communication between men and gods. Hence comes the symbolism of the intellect linked to the sign.

Gemini rules the hands, instruments of talent, manual achievement and healing.

The sign is associated in Mythology with Castor and Pollux. Castor was mortal and Pollux immortal. Both show the duality of the sign.

Today this association of Gemini with healing has been lost, but in ancient Greece, this sign was ruled by Apollo, a god of healing.

Many Geminis delve into healing professions, such as medicine, or alternative healing techniques.

Apollo also possessed scientific abilities, Gemini characteristics. Furthermore, he is a solar god, and in Vedic India, the Divine Twins were children of the Sun.



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